Embroidery Essentials Skill
April: Stitch and Turn Bunny
Prerequisite: New Owners Embroidery class or equivalent experience. You must be able to load a design on screen, thread your machine & bobbin as well as change your needle. This class series will cover techniques and not machine operation. If you would like to take a class on machine operation, call to schedule a time. This can be on one of our machines or your own. Learn to use your machine classes are $20. It is free for a machine purchased at Juneberry Cottage.
April: Stitch and Turn Bunny
Learn to create a fun and functional patch and a no sew way to attach them to any project!
General supplies to bring for an embroidery class:
Embroidery machine with all accessories and manual
Embroidery foot
Fabric scissors
Thread snips
2-3 empty bobbins
Bobbin thread • (e.g. white Decobob thread)
Paper & Pen for notes
Supplies included in the kit if you wish to purchase:
Embroidery needles- Sharp 75/11
Appropriate hoop for the project- Bernina large oval
Isacord Threads- Bunny Placement Stitch & Tack-down (0015), Mint Green Detail (5740), Blue Detail (3730), Yellow Detail (0520), Dark Green Detail (5610), Pink Detail (2560), Purple Detail (3030), Dark Purple Detail (2830), Seam/ Match Top Fabric (0015)
OESD Expert Embroidery Tape Tear-Away
OESD Polymesh Cutaway 11” x 15”
OESD StitcH2O 12” x 9”
OESD Fuse and Seal