My first sewing project was a corduroy wrap skirt. I loved sewing. I would go to the fabric store and just breathe. It was so exhilarating. I told myself “One day I will have a fabric store of my own.”

When prom dress time came in high school, my parents wouldn't buy the dress I wanted, but they would buy the 11 yards of material to make the dress. Away I went with determination and my Mom’s Singer sewing machine. When it came to the zipper, I visited my Grandmother who had been a seamstress in New York City. She had me read the directions and use her machine. When I was finished, she looked at it and said, “This is your first zipper? It is perfect.” It set the course on my experimenting and trying new techniques in sewing. Silly me, I had been avoiding zippers. Don’t believe what most people say about zippers. Believe this: Zippers are easy!

My parents gave me one of the first computerized sewing machines on the market for graduation and it went with me to college. Having a sewing machine at college is a great way to make some spending money. Peg leg pants were the fashion then and it seemed everyone wanted them more pegged then the pants came from the store.

My life went merrily along with marriage and family. Still the kernel of my dream from middle school kept popping up every once in a while. Now it is sprouting and growing. I am opening a fabric store. I love to see what others are doing with fabric.

I love to help them see the potential of what they can do. Other fibers are just as exciting and I wish people feel comfortable stopping by the store, showing or working on the project they have going in their preferred medium. Color, texture, design and embellishment make it all so exciting. Try something new and make a work of art for yourself or someone you love. Let me help you explore your God-given creativity.

June-Marie Essner


    June-Marie has a passion for sewing and sharing this love with everyone!

    Fred Essner

      Fred has a passion for machines. He is also very detail-oriented. He works hard and double checks that any machine or scissors in repairable condition will work when it leaves the shop.

      Hours 2025

      Our regular hours are: Monday - Friday 10-5; Saturday 10-2

      Early closure

      Closing Feb. 25 at 4pm to attend the Crossroads Quilt Guild program 'Creating Landscape Bookmarks'. Please RSVP if you plan to attend. 231-734-5863